Welcome back to school for 2025!
School begins at 8.55 a.m. and finishes at 3.00 p.m. Children are expected to arrive at school no earlier than 8.30 a.m. and no later than 8.50 a.m. Your child attends full time from the first day.
There is no provision for early closing on wet days.
Lunchtime is from 12.30 pm – 1.30 p.m.
After school, children are expected to leave the school grounds by 3.10 p.m.
Parents are encouraged to visit the school office to meet with the Principal, Deputy Principal or Assistant Principal, as appropriate.
The school office staff will be able to answer many of your questions. Senior staff like to meet prospective new pupils and their parents when they arrive to enrol.
Five year olds are encouraged to have a familiarisation visit on Thursday mornings in the weeks before starting school. Please see the office for further details. An information pack for parents of new entrants is available from the office.
New entrants may start school on their 5th birthday.
You are asked to complete a health record for your child when he/she enrols as a five year old. We also require to see the child’s birth certificate and immunisation certificate.Y0/Y1 children are seen by the Vision/Hearing tester during the first year at school. We also ask that you advise us of any allergy or medical problems that your child may have, or if they need to have medication held at school.
When children are absent from school, we ask that you contact the school by 9.00 a.m. The best way to do this is by using the school app ‘HERO’. The school telephone number is 06-843 8297. There is an absence line to leave a message. You may also text in absences at 021 0251 9173.
We will contact you if your child is absent without explanation. We do this to ensure that all pupils are accounted for (for safety reasons).
If your child has to leave school for medical, urgent or other reasons, please write his/her teacher a note. Children are not able to leave the school during school hours without an adult with them and we do not send children home on their own. We only release children to known adults. You must go to the Office to get a note to pass to the teacher before collecting the child.
This school encourages active participation by parents in school activities. Teachers are always indebted to parents for any assistance they may offer. Your assistance may be sought to help teachers with individual and small groups of children in the classroom, library book repairs, sports team coaching, working bees, supervision on field trips and camps.
If you have any interests or skills that could help our pupils, we would like to hear from you. Please let the office or teacher know.
After school all children should return straight home. If your child comes home with another child without prior arrangement, please phone that child’s parents or the school. This will help to eliminate some of the problems we have with children getting lost after school. Children who have not been picked up by their parents by 3.10 p.m. must wait in the school foyer.
The road crossings outside the school on Kennedy Road are patrolled by responsible Year 6 pupils who are supervised by an adult under the authority and training of the Police Transport Division. The crossings are patrolled from 8.25 a.m. to 8.50 a.m. and from 3.00 p.m. to 3.15 p.m. Children are expected to use the crossings and not cross the road elsewhere.
Traffic flow outside our school is difficult at the best of times and particular care is required in wet weather.
Some suggestions for making traffic flow easier include:
Your assistance in these matters will be very much appreciated by all.
The school should be advised of any circumstances that directly affect your child, such as the sadness of a family bereavement or separation from a parent for work or other family reasons. Your child will need special consideration in these stressful times.
Please advise your child’s teacher if you are to be absent (i.e., hospital, holiday, work commitments, etc.) and your child is to be cared for by someone else. This often explains uncharacteristic behaviour from a child.
The health, safety and welfare of our students is very important to the staff. Whenever we believe a child is not making satisfactory progress we need to investigate the circumstances. As professionals we maintain a strict code of conduct and treat all information regarding children as confidential. Where we have concerns, we will contact parents.
The school has access to the following agencies for assistance:
● Hearing and Vision Tester
● Public Health Nurse
● Resource Teacher of Learning & Behaviour and Resource Teacher of Literacy Services
● Napier Family Centre
● Birthright
● Speech/Language Therapist
● Police Education
● Special Education Service
● Children’s Health Camp
Please contact your child’s teacher or Principal if you wish to use any of these services.
Term 2
At the end of term 2, Three Way Conferences are held with the Teacher, Parent or Caregiver and the child. These give children the opportunity to review their goals and learning and reset new goals for the remainder of the year with you and the teacher.
Term 4
A Celebration Conference is held. The child can invite you and other members of the family to share in the successes of the year. At the end of the conference the child takes home the Learning Folder to keep. It includes a Summary Sheet and Indicator Sheet. These are useful pages for teachers if your child moves school.
If you have any concerns at any time during the year please contact your child’s teacher to arrange a meeting outside class time.
The Board of Trustees (BOT) has the responsibility of governing the school. Their responsibilities include financial management, development and maintenance of school buildings resources and grounds, development of policy and ensuring the curriculum is taught. The Principal is the school’s leader in professional matters and in its day to day management.
The Board of Trustees consists of elected parents and a staff representative, together with the Principal and co-opted members.
The monthly BOT meetings are open to the public and we welcome parents attending. Meetings are advertised in the newsletter. The Charter, Policies and Minutes of Board Meetings are available in the office foyer.
Team Pipi organises staff and parent meetings, family functions, and fundraising activities. In consultation with the staff and the Board of Trustees, Team Pipi designates the funds it raises for particular needs of the school. From time to time Team Pipi may organise personnel for special projects being undertaken by the school. The Team Pipi committee consists of parents elected annually and staff volunteers.
Parents are welcome to join Team Pipi at any time during the year.